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Digital marketing – how to increase traffic to your website without an advertising budget

Web Hosting Blog

Getting your business noticed in today’s crowded online marketplace can be a daunting prospect.  Everyone is doing it; most physical businesses also have an online presence, and the number of online-only businesses are growing rapidly. Advertising is becoming more and more expensive, and it is more and more difficult to attract, and keep, the attention of your selected audience. You can try educating yourself, if you have the time, by enrolling in multiple courses and listening to ‘experts’ talking about how they managed to grow their business; you can invest in a digital marketing course and learn about pay per click (PPC) and Google analytics….  Or you can take a step back from all the technical jargon and e-learning and think about growing your website views logically and simply.

Online Directories

Let’s assume that you already have a great website for your business, and you simply need more people to find you online.  First of all, make sure your business, and of course your website address, is listed in every relevant online (and print) directory you can find. Your industry may have an official association, of which you are a member, or you might be a member of a local business group – if not, join!  Once you are a member, make sure they have your correct contact details, and that they list you in their membership database, website and so on.  Leverage your membership fees to the maximum.

Social Media

Social media channels (Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest) are all free to establish and run.  Don’t focus on just one channel – marketing takes an omni-channel approach these days to cover all audiences, so launch as many social media channels as possible. Stick to your website branding, look/feel/touch/colours, logo and descriptions so your online presence is consistent across all platforms, then share content from your website as much and as often as possible across all your platforms at different times, together with links back to your website so viewers can find more information. If you are able to make short videos or podcasts, YouTube is an excellent platform to promote your business, and the video links can be embedded into your website to drive traffic back to your own platform.


LinkedIn is a more professional platform than the other popular social media channels, so ensure that your tone and content reflect this.  Join relevant groups on LinkedIn, and share knowledge, post content and answer queries that may arise there.  If you can’t find any relevant groups, start one!  Ensure that your LinkedIn profile also reflects the brand identity of your business, has all the relevant contact details, and that your personal information is up to date and professional. Don’t underestimate the power of references – give them freely to people you know, and don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations and references in return.


Get involved in forums relevant to your business.  You can simply do a Google search, or look for online newsletters related to your industry – any forum where people are asking questions and communicating about your industry. Join in!  If someone asks a question, respond to them.  And always use your name, company name & title and post a link to your website if there is relevant content that may help support your response.  In this way you are positioning yourself as an expert, helping others, and giving them your website link for more information.  If you do this often enough, you will soon become well known within your industry circles. Oh, and no funny ‘user names’ – if you are doing this for professional reasons, be professional in your tone and presentation.

As well as industry-specific forums, is a public Q&A forum with a wide audience.  Get involved, answering questions that are relevant to you and sharing information.


Promoting your website online is no different to networking at industry events and cocktail parties – it’s just that you are networking digitally rather than in a face to face setting.  Instead of handing out business cards, you are sharing links to your website, and your knowledge.  Maintain this approach, and you will soon start to see views of your website increasing.