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Managed Firewall Services

Protect your Servers with NGFW

Using Cisco threat focussed NextGen Managed Firewall (NGFW), you can have confidence that you are protected against the most sophisticated cyber-attacks.

Full Control and Security with our Managed Firewall Services

With a dedicated Cisco managed firewall, we will set up your own individual firewall to protect your server.

As well as providing extra security, you will have full control over your firewall security configuration to meet your organisation’s security policies, and to update or change your firewall configuration whenever you like. A site-to-site or AnyConnect VPN can also be configured to connect securely from any remote location.

Benefits of a Dedicated Managed Firewall

   Superior multi-layered protection

   Full Control over your Server Security

   Market-leading Cisco Technology

   Delivers Pro-Active, Next Generation Protection

   Unified security services and task automation

   Complements Existing Security Measures

Need any help or advice….

1) Simply click the link below and provide us with your contact details.

2) We will call you back within two business hours and ask you some basic questions about your security needs.

3) Using that information, we will send you an easy-to-understand proposal and give you a call-back to go through it with you.

Secure you server with a Cisco NextGen Firewall