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10 Common Web Application Security Mistakes

Web Hosting Blog

The Most Common Web Security Mistakes to Avoid When Developing a Web Application

Web application development is a long process that involves creating a user-friendly app from scratch. It’s ultimately capable of simultaneously maintaining high performance and web security. For all developers, web application security is one area that functions partially beyond the creator’s control.

Below are 10 of the most common web security vulnerabilities to avoid that you can control. 

  1. Permitting Invalid Data to Enter the Database

All user inputs must be vetted. Failing to validate what you receive could result in you paying a high price for possible cross-site scripting, SQL injection, command injection or other similar security threats. 

  1. Not Focusing on the System as a Whole

Too typically, large custom projects that involve a team of developers lead to dividing up the work to hit the deadline. While it might speed up development, it results in your data becoming extremely vulnerable to attackers. Care must be taken to ensure the app continues to be secure when all its components are brought together. 

  1. Establishing Personally Developed Security Methods

Developers often assume they’ll be better off using a homegrown algorithm or method. They mistakenly believe if it’s more authentic it’ll be increasingly safer since it’ll be unfamiliar to hackers. But, this only increases the chances of creating security holes that can be easily discovered. Well-tested libraries should be the preferred method. 

  1. Treating Security as An Afterthought

Security shouldn’t be a step that gets tacked on toward the end of a process. It must be built in as the very foundation of the project and a key consideration in every step. Otherwise, your application becomes prone to misconfigurations and other such vulnerabilities like SQL injections. 

  1. Using Plain Text Password Storage

Plain text password storage is considered the most common and dangerous mistake. Only passwords and important data should be stored in the database. 

  1. Creating Weak Passwords

If you’re a developer concerned about the safety of the app, then it’s critical you create clear rules for passwords and make sure they’re enforced. 

  1. Storing Unencrypted Data in the Database

The unencrypted storage of all significant details is one of the common mistakes linked to data storage. This leads to putting user data at great risk whenever your database is compromised. When your database is attacked, encryption is how you prevent a huge loss of information. All developers should keep in mind that hackers are capable of attacking everything that’s stored online. 

  1. Depending Excessively on the Client Side

When you rely too heavily on the client side, as a developer you lose influence over the critical functions of the app, and most of your control over security. 

  1. Being Too Optimistic

A good developer should keep in mind that web security development is a never-ending process due to the on-going possibility of having security holes. A good developer should always be ready to search and fix mistakes. 

  1. Permitting Variables via the URL Path Name

Placing variables in the URL is a grave mistake that allows anyone to freely download any file containing important data that your app keeps.

Avoid these common web security vulnerabilities whether you’re working on a startup or developing a huge strategic project.