Are you being held back by slow network speeds?
We provide uncontended direct fibre connections up to 10 Gb/s to provide you with the speed and reliability to meet your business demands.
Are you tired of having your internet connections go down?
With a dedicated leased line provided by VirginMedia and BT, you can be sure of excellent reliable service.
Not getting the support you need?
We have been supporting businesses for over 20 years. Our support team are available on the phone 24/7/365.
Our Dedicated Leased Lines – What Can You Expect?
Our dedicated leased lines deliver the speed and reliability your business needs to improve your performance. With 1:1 contention, you can rely on consistent high connectivity and speed, improving business performance, productivity and reducing workforce frustrations caused by high latency issues.
We utilise full-fibre leased line solutions to meet your exact business needs, regardless of your location in the UK.
Providing fibre-based products only, Virgin Media leased lines are available in areas where they have existing fibre laid, making their pricing very hard to beat.

Internet or Point to Point Leased Line Plans
Internet Leased Lines
Point to Point Leased Lines
Next steps,
made easy…
1) Simply click the link below and provide us with your contact details.
2) We will call you back and ask you some basic questions about your business and leased line requirements.
3) Using that information, we will outline the next steps so we can start working together to deliver the best connectivity for your business.
If you know your leased line requirement, please click on the “Request a Quote” link above.
If you are not sure and would like some advice…
Dedicated Leased Lines Benefits Provided by CWCS
Dedicated Leased Lines Benefits Provided by CWCS
Service Level Agreement
Clearly stated SLAs are in place to ensure that regardless of the time of day, or nature of the fault, both CWCS and our carriers are available to work on any issues 24/7/365.
Competitive Rates
We have leveraged the very best rates from BT Wholesale and Virgin Media, and we pass these savings on to our customers.
Guaranteed Speed of Connection
Supplied without any contention restrictions, the bandwidth you purchase is dedicated solely to your business. This means you can eliminate the frustration of peak-time congestion affecting your speeds and business performance.
Symmetric Download and Upload Speeds
Your download and upload speeds will be at a consistently high speed. Essential for uploading to the cloud, web hosting, streaming, sharing large data files and using VoIP.
Ultra-Low Latency
A dedicated leased line provides minimal delay, allowing you to react to market events faster than your competition, giving you an essential edge.
Increased Security
Since the data connection is controlled by your business and is not sharing information on a public data network, a leased line offers much higher security measures than typical business broadband alternatives.
24/7/365 Supreme Support Included
With over 20 years’ experience, we understand businesses run mission-critical systems around the clock, as such our UK technical support team are on-site and available 24/7/365.